
Determinants of Property Tax Burden in New Jersey

In his paper, "Determinants of Property Tax Burden in New Jersey - 2008," Dr. Ernest C. Reock, Jr. offers a methodology for identifying the causes of the relative tax burden in cities and towns - causes that often reach beyond municipal and school expenditures to county and state levels of taxation and funding. He specifically looks at 2008 in comparison to 2004 to identify statewide changes, such as declining property values, which had a profound impact on property tax burdens across New Jersey.

Download the Determinants of Property Tax Burden in New Jersey - 2008 in PDF format.

Municipal Charter Studies

The Center for Government Services provides assistance to municipal charter study commissions, municipal officials, and citizen groups considering a change in their form of municipal government. Staff members of the Center will respond to telephone or e-mail inquiries and, within the limits of available time, will meet with local officials and organizations.

Documents available from the Center may be accessed below: