Passaic County was founded in 1837 and ranks 18th in size compared to other counties. It is made up of 16 municipalities. Among its many notable residents, past and present, are actors Paul Rudd and Zoe Saldana, as well as TV producer Sherwood Schwartz, best known for creating Gilligan's Island and The Brady Bunch! [1]
Passaic County
Facts and Figures from the NJ Data Book
184.58 square miles
2010 | 2,715 |
2011 | 2,720 |
2012 | 2,724 |
2013 | 2,740 |
2014 | 2,757 |
2015 | 2,768 |
2016 | 2,752 |
2017 | 2,777 |
2018 | 2,727 |
2019 | 2,719 |
Census Population
1980 | 447,585 |
1990 | 470,864 |
2000 | 489,049 |
2010 | 501,226 |
Estimated Population
2010 | 501,226 |
2011 | 502,007 |
2012 | 502,885 |
2013 | 505,672 |
2014 | 508,856 |
2015 | 510,916 |
2016 | 507,945 |
2017 | 512,607 |
2018 | 503,310 |
2019 | 501,826 |
2010 | 254,561 |
2011 | 256,113 |
2012 | 246,821 |
2013 | 240,418 |
2014 | 248,427 |
2015 | 249,647 |
2016 | 247,823 |
2017 | 245,449 |
2018 | 239,204 |
2019 | 242,208 |
Percent Unemployed:
2010 | 11.58% |
2011 | 11.20% |
2012 | 11.29% |
2013 | 10.46% |
2014 | 8.12% |
2015 | 6.86% |
2016 | 6.13% |
2017 | 5.69% |
2018 | 5.10% |
2019 | 4.31% |
Median Rent
2010 | $1,081.72 |
2011 | $1,121.48 |
2012 | $1,142.99 |
2013 | $1,167.22 |
2014 | $1,180.68 |
2015 | $1,192.29 |
2016 | $1,216.64 |
2017 | $1,248.01 |
2018 | $1,281.12 |
Average Residential Property Value
2010 | $341,968.38 |
2011 | $344,770.39 |
2012 | $325,051.78 |
2013 | $319,306.27 |
2014 | $313,818.46 |
2015 | $312,124.56 |
2016 | $314,646.54 |
2017 | $318,269.92 |
2018 | $331,944.84 |
Income per Taxpayer
2008 | $26,506.91 |
2009 | $25,200.31 |
2010 | $25,358.27 |
2011 | $25,872.03 |
2012 | $27,067.27 |
2013 | $27,486.97 |
2014 | $28,998.03 |
2015 | $29,702.69 |
2016 | $29,890.19 |
Registered Voters
Number of Registered Voters
2010 | 266,264 |
2011 | 269,084 |
2012 | 290,424 |
2013 | 296,587 |
2014 | 285,451 |
2015 | 278,479 |
2016 | 302,521 |
2017 | 305,640 |
2018 | 314,890 |
2019 | 311,015 |
Percent Registered as Democrats
2010 | 31.13% |
2011 | 30.85% |
2012 | 32.19% |
2013 | 32.95% |
2014 | 32.90% |
2015 | 32.47% |
2016 | 36.30% |
2017 | 37.49% |
2018 | 37.71% |
2019 | 39.08% |
Percent Registered as Republicans
2010 | 18.80% |
2011 | 18.80% |
2012 | 17.77% |
2013 | 17.64% |
2014 | 17.65% |
2015 | 17.62% |
2016 | 18.53% |
2017 | 19.46% |
2018 | 19.45% |
2019 | 19.97% |
For this and more data, visit njdatabook.rutgers.edu!
1. Passaic County’s History. Passaic County, NJ Official Website. Retrieved from https://www.passaiccountynj.org/about_us/history/index.php.