Burlington County is the largest county in the state according to land area. It consists of 40 municipalities and is home to the Pinelands National Reserve, a first in the nation. Burlington County also has deep roots in agriculture, and Whitesbog Village is said to be home of the blueberry. [1]
Burlington County
Facts and Figures from the NJ Data Book
798.54 square miles
2010 | 562 |
2011 | 563 |
2012 | 565 |
2013 | 565 |
2014 | 563 |
2015 | 564 |
2016 | 563 |
2017 | 562 |
2018 | 558 |
2019 | 558 |
Census Population
1980 | 362,542 |
1990 | 395,066 |
2000 | 423,394 |
2010 | 448,734 |
Estimated Population
2010 | 448,734 |
2011 | 449,576 |
2012 | 451,336 |
2013 | 450,838 |
2014 | 449,722 |
2015 | 450,226 |
2016 | 449,284 |
2017 | 448,596 |
2018 | 445,384 |
2019 | 445,349 |
2010 | 235,331 |
2011 | 233,435 |
2012 | 242,973 |
2013 | 239,945 |
2014 | 232,025 |
2015 | 232,363 |
2016 | 233,049 |
2017 | 234,179 |
2018 | 227,447 |
2019 | 230,591 |
Percent Unemployed:
2010 | 8.94% |
2011 | 8.59% |
2012 | 9.29% |
2013 | 7.75% |
2014 | 6.32% |
2015 | 5.20% |
2016 | 4.44% |
2017 | 4.10% |
2018 | 3.77% |
2019 | 3.27% |
Median Rent
2010 | $1,112.79 |
2011 | $1,158.46 |
2012 | $1,188.12 |
2013 | $1,221.82 |
2014 | $1,242.11 |
2015 | $1,236.55 |
2016 | $1,252.40 |
2017 | $1,285.49 |
2018 | $1,321.79 |
Average Residential Property Value
2010 | $263,638.13 |
2011 | $263,043.14 |
2012 | $251,789.61 |
2013 | $247,204.25 |
2014 | $245,664.03 |
2015 | $249,060.87 |
2016 | $250,699.20 |
2017 | $252,878.10 |
2018 | $256,059.69 |
Income per Taxpayer
2008 | $35,760.46 |
2009 | $34,269.76 |
2010 | $35,099.42 |
2011 | $35,908.69 |
2012 | $37,806.22 |
2013 | $37,996.71 |
2014 | $39,865.62 |
2015 | $41,586.15 |
2016 | $42,069.85 |
Registered Voters
Number of Registered Voters
2010 | 288,310 |
2011 | 283,669 |
2012 | 291,760 |
2013 | 289,900 |
2014 | 292,469 |
2015 | 296,493 |
2016 | 314,051 |
2017 | 310,389 |
2018 | 318,872 |
2019 | 322,752 |
Percent Registered as Democrats
2010 | 32.95% |
2011 | 33.21% |
2012 | 32.64% |
2013 | 32.81% |
2014 | 32.33% |
2015 | 31.75% |
2016 | 35.26% |
2017 | 36.29% |
2018 | 37.57% |
2019 | 37.36% |
Percent Registered as Republicans
2010 | 23.70% |
2011 | 24.33% |
2012 | 23.62% |
2013 | 23.47% |
2014 | 23.17% |
2015 | 22.75% |
2016 | 23.91% |
2017 | 24.56% |
2018 | 25.17% |
2019 | 24.72% |
For this and more data, visit njdatabook.rutgers.edu!
1. History. Burlington County, NJ Official Website. Retrieved from http://co.burlington.nj.us/695/History.